Michelin Tweel – Revolution in Tyre Technology That Will Flatten Run Flat Tyres

From Lawn Mowers to Off-Road to Passenger Cars

Run-flat tyres are popular because of the benefits they provide. A smoother ride, with greater traction, great looks, and highly cost-effective. A little pricier than ‘ordinary’ tyres, but for most drivers they are worth every cent. However, they could soon lose their appeal. A space-age revolution in tyre technology known as the ‘Michelin Tweel’ has landed. The benefits of this tyre could flatten the sales of run-flats.

What Is the Michelin Tweel?

Currently available for a range of UTVs, ATVs and agricultural vehicles, although the Michelin Tweel is airless, it is not an airless tyre. It is a tyre and wheel combined. It has super-aggressive tread, which means it disperses mud and water at warp speed. The Tweel bolts on to a vehicle easily, using heavy gauge steel, four-bolt hub system.

Using poly-resin spokes across the width of the wheel, the way the Tweel is made gives it incredible flexibility. It literally moulds itself to the shape of the terrain it is being driven on.

The Tweel is also virtually unbreakable. You can drive it over rocks, nails, glass and other debris. It takes all in its stride. It’s like you can hear the Tweel laughing at such minor inconveniences. With Tweels fitted to your vehicle, you can wave goodbye to punctures and expensive wheel changes.

Tweels give you:

  • A smoother ride
  • Less hassle from damaged tyres
  • Less worry about road surface debris

You won’t need to carry a spare, either. Tweels are the most indestructible black circles that I have ever seen. Their tread has been measured as lasting three times longer than the tread on pneumatic tyres, and they can be re-treaded. These Tweels could put us out of business!

Great for Lawns and More

Lawn mowing is just one application for which the Michelin Tweel is perfect. You don’t know what could be hiding in the long grass. So you take it slow, hoping that there are no nails or broken bottles that will pierce through your tyres and cause you a heap of aggravation and a pocketful of costs.

The Michelin Tweel removes this worry. You can drive over dozens of nails. They may embed themselves in the tread, but they won’t burst the Tweel – there’s no air. And those rocks in the undergrowth? Forget about them. The Tweel passes over them like water over pebbles – free-flowing and stress-free. It shapes itself to the ground, meaning you benefit from a smoother ride. No more bouncing about, and no more stiff back.

This means that you can mow that lawn faster. You save time, stress, and spinal injury!

The Tweel isn’t just for those high-powered lawnmowers, though. It is also available for UTVs and ATVs. Those off-road, virgin tracks will become routes that you can now explore. More fun, less grief.

Michelin Tweel – The Future for Car Drivers?

Here’s the downside: car drivers can’t yet benefit from Michelin Tweels. Michelin has spent a fortune on developing the Tweel and has taken it to the UTV and ATV market. But it isn’t quite there in the domestic car market yet. It is coming, though.

Michelin started testing this year. Those tests are progressing well. The Michelin Tweel is currently limited to 37 miles per hour; not quite fast enough for domestic cars. You won’t break any land speed records on them, though you will be able to break land that you have never driven before.

However, if the tests continue to go as well as they have to date, it won’t be too long before we see the first Michelin Tweels rolling off the production lines and bolted onto cars. The run flat tyre could soon be flattened by the revolution that is the Michelin Tweel.

To see the future of car tyres today, come and check out the Michelin Tweel at Darra Tyres. Feel free to contact us to book an appointment to view the future.

Keeping your family and fleet safe on the road,

Dean Wood

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